# 국내법에 따라 칼라파츠 소염기 및 파워브레이크 적용되어 있습니다

# 칼라파츠 메탈 소염기를 증정해 드리는 모델과 메탈칼라파츠 감속기가 있는 모델 2가지이니

   옵션에서 골라주세요

The latest carbine of the US Army Special Forces

The model equipped with the latest 14-inch upper receiver (URG-I) used by the US Army Special Forces "Green Beret" from 2019 is lined up in the next-generation electric gun!
It is a discerning model that pursues the specifications unique to URG-I, including a hand guard that measures the real thing and reproduces a unique shape.

Major features
